Expert protection for oil and gas industries Oil and gas insurance is a specialist area of cover because of the potentially hazardous nature of the work and the remote regions involved – both…
Expert mining cover for a wide range of mining operations Mining insurance is a specialist area of cover. The potentially hazardous nature of the work, often taking place in remote areas of the…
International protection in troubled waters Maritime security became headline news following the epidemic of Somalia piracy back in 2008, which led to the shipping industry engaging specialist…
Protecting your people, your assets and your organisation Bellwood Prestbury provides Humanitarian insurance and NGO insurance covering organisations operating in hostile or remote territories, or…
Bespoke demining cover for companies Demining insurance for companies involved in threat surveys, mine clearance and the removal of unexploded ordnance (UXO) needs to cover the immediate hazards…
Protection for construction companies Comprehensive Liability insurance – Professional Indemnity, Third Party and Environmental Liability to cover professional advice, other people's property or…
Key Features Protection for bankers and lenders on foreign projects and investments Cover for interest on loans that are unpaid due to political risks or violence Specialising in middle- and…
ABOUT OUR INSURANCE SERVICES 1 About us Bellwood Prestbury Limited is a Lloyd’s insurance broker (intermediary) authorised to help you select suitable insurance products that meet your needs. We are…
Data Privacy Policy Introduction – How the insurance market works We are a Lloyd’s broker and insurance intermediary authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our role is to meet…
Key Features Protection against expropriation, selective discrimination, forced abandonment, forced divestiture and deprivation of assets Cover for Import and Export Licence cancellation or…