Kosovo Insurance
Important protection
Make sure you get the right level of Kosovo insurance before you visit one of the newest of European nations. Since declaring independence from Serbia in 2008, Kosovo has made significant progress economically, though its infrastructure, healthcare and roads can still present challenges. While the overall security situation is calm, political tensions in northern areas can become violent.
Kosovo insurance – quick facts

- There is a risk from unexploded ordnance in some areas
- There is a risk of security incidents at any time
- International health insurance in Kosovo is advised, along with cover for emergency evacuation
- Political demonstrations can become violent
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Issues to be aware of in Kosovo
One of Europe’s newest countries is a small, landlocked, rugged territory about the size of Wales. Kosovans are an extremely hospitable people, especially to nationals from those countries that supported their struggle for independence in 1999.
According to the FCDO, terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Kosovo. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners, large public gatherings and cultural events, so you need to remain vigilant.
Though making progress, Kosovo still has problems with poor infrastructure, dangerous roads and underfunded healthcare. Your Kosovo insurance should include appropriate cover for life, Personal Accident, property and healthcare. Medical standards tend not to meet those of other European countries and you are strongly advised to have provision for Emergency Evacuation and repatriation.
Since declaring independence in 2008, there have been occasional clashes between elements from the minority Serb population and those from the majority Albanian. Most violence has been confined to the North Mitrovica area, and advice is against all but essential travel here. You should also avoid going off the beaten track near the border of Albania and in the Presevo Valley, where there may be a risk from unexploded ordnance left over from the war in 1999.
In Pristina and other cities petty crime, such as pickpocketing can be a problem. There have been isolated incidents of armed violence but these have been linked to organised crime and are not generally targeted at foreign nationals.
Take care when walking about away from busy streets as open manholes (the covers stolen for scrap metal) can present a hazard. Earth tremors are a regular occurrence, and in March 2010 an earthquake 90km north of Pristina measured 4.5 on the Richter scale.

High-risk Countries
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