Cameroon Insurance

It is vital that your Cameroon insurance gives you the protection you need in this fascinating yet often challenging country. There are areas where banditry, corruption and disease present a serious threat and many insurers will not offer adequate cover.

Official risk ratings

Accident and Evacuation <span class="icon" data-icon="star4"></span>
Kidnapping and Ransom <span class="icon" data-icon="star1"></span>
Political Risk <span class="icon" data-icon="star4"></span>

Cameroon insurance – quick facts

  • Mugging and armed banditry can be a problem across Cameroon
  • International Health insurance in Cameroon is strongly advised, along with cover for emergency evacuation
  • There have been incidents of hostage taking in the north and far north
  • Piracy is a threat in the Gulf of Guinea – maritime security insurance may be advised

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Potential business hazards in Cameroon

Cameroon suffers with political instability that can make business or humanitarian operations challenging here.

The FCDO advises against all travel to the border regions with Nigeria, Chad and the Central African Republic, making high-risk Cameroon insurance essential. In addition, the northern region features an ongoing struggle between separatists and government forces. Kidnaps have been reported in the northwest and southwest regions.

The FCDO reports that terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Cameroon. The terrorist group Boko Haram is active in the Far North region, but attacks could occur anywhere including major towns and cities such as Yaoundé and Douala. Key targets have been large open markets, hotels, parks and sporting venues. There have also been hostages taken and heavy gunfights reported in Babouang and Mbarang in Adamawa region (Cameroon).

Medical facilities in Cameroon are poor, particularly in rural areas. Emergency facilities are extremely limited. We would always recommend Medical Evacuation cover as part of your Cameroon insurance to pay for emergency evacuation to South Africa or Europe if necessary.

There is also a known danger of carjackers when you travel by road north of Maroua. Scams and official corruption are a way of life in Cameroon and you may have to negotiate your way around unofficial systems if you intend to do business here.

There have been incidents of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea. International Cargo insurance or Maritime Security insurance may be advisable if you are importing, exporting or travelling by ship in and out of Cameroon. It would also be prudent to consider Trade and Political Risk insurance.

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High-risk Countries

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Advice from the FCDO

The Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) in the UK regularly updates its advice to British travellers about immediate risks.